Icy moons surface and dephts more than meet the eyes Christophe Sotin (2022)
Exploration spatiale Planétologie
Prebiotic Chemistry in the Solar System Hervé Cottin (2018)
Astrochimie Chimie
Solar system exploration Part 1 Olivier Witasse (2016)
Exploration spatiale
L'Europe dans le système solaire Jean-Pierre Lebreton (2014)
Exploration of the saturnian system and its moons Athena Coustenis (2017)
Exobiologie dans le système de Saturne François Raulin (2010)
Introduction to Astrobiology - Mod 1 Christopher Impey (2018)
Astronomie Planétologie
1 (+6)
+ 6
Mod 1 - Lecture 6 - Water Worlds Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 1 - Lecture 1 - Exoplanets Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 1 - Lecture 2 - Planet Formation Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 1 - Lecture 3 - Planets and Moons Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 1 - Lecture 4 - Our Solar System Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 1 - Lecture 5 - Hot Jupiters correct Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 1 - Lecture 7 - Census of Exoplanets 027 Christopher Impey (2018)
Solar system exploration Part 2 Olivier Witasse (2016)