Introduction to Astrobiology - Mod 2 Christopher Impey (2018)
Astronomie Planétologie
Mod 2 - Lecture 1 - Gravity and the Doppler Shift Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 2 - Lecture 2 - The Radial Velocity Method Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 2 - Lecture 3 - The Transit Method Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 2 - Lecture 4 - Learning From Observations Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 2 - Lecture 5 - Density Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 2 - Lec 6 - Microlensing, Imaging and Selection Effects Christopher Impey (2018)
The genesis of finding other Earths beyond the solar system Alexandre Santerne (2024)
Introduction to Astrobiology - Mod 1 Christopher Impey (2018)
2 (+5)
+ 5
Mod 1 - Lecture 3 - Planets and Moons Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 1 - Lecture 4 - Our Solar System Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 1 - Lecture 1 - Exoplanets Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 1 - Lecture 2 - Planet Formation Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 1 - Lecture 5 - Hot Jupiters correct Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 1 - Lecture 6 - Water Worlds Christopher Impey (2018)
Mod 1 - Lecture 7 - Census of Exoplanets 027 Christopher Impey (2018)
Space missions for detection & characterisation of exoplanets Quentin Changeat (2022)
The quest for Earth analogs around nearby stars Alexandre Santerne (2024)
Decoding lights from Exotic Worlds Jérémy Leconte (2021)